Bass Ceviche

For 4 people:

– 500 g bass
– 1 red onion
– 1 Jalapeños pepper
– 5 radishes
– 8 limes
– 1/2 mango
– 10 cl Martin-Pouret Sauvignon vinegar
– 10 cl olive oil
– Salt and pepper
– Basil

1. Cut the fish into small cubes.

2. Add the juice of 8 limes and leave to marinate in a covered recipient in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours (that’s how the fish “cooks”). After this time, drain the fish.

3. Chop the red onion.

4. Cut the Jalapeños pepper and the radishes into thin strips.

5. Shape the mango into little balls with a melon baller.

6. Add them to the fish with the olive oil, Martin-Pouret Sauvignon vinegar, salt and pepper.

7. Mix all the ingredients and add a few basil leaves.

8. Enjoy!